Thursday, November 6, 2008


Those who have not visited Sarawak have missed one of the best parts of the world. The land is so rich and varied that it takes many months to appreciate the natural beauty of Sarawak. It is so rich and impressive that one wonders why so few people have experienced its magnificent wildness. The people are a wonder- dainty bronzed people with beautiful features and skin and radiant ebony eyes. They are sincerely friendly and more spiritual than the Westerner- they move with a grace we can never equal. To live among them is to know contentment unknown to the West; a visitor to Sarawak can come closer to Paradise than almost anywhere on Earth. (Peter Anderson: 1996)

1 comment:

Norazila Iela said...

selamat pagi en. saya student master di UKM dan saya ingin mengkaji tentang motif ukiran pada klirieng etnik Punan ini. saya ada menghantar email kepada en. Harap encik sudi berkongsi ilmu dengan sy. terima kasih